
In England there are traditionally two hunting seasons, firstly from the beginning of April to the first week of June and secondly the rutting season from mid-July to midAugust. In April, the Bucks are still grey and hunting that early is not to everybody’s taste. Many hunters prefer rutting season, which however also presents challenges to the hunter. In any case, England is ideal for the experienced Roe Deer hunter, who wants to fill his trophy wall with strong Roebucks.
Quality is emphasized over quantity and the focus is on sportive hunting (that is stalking). If desired, raised hide hunting is also possible, but diminishes chances of course. However, stalking mostly involves way more standing than walking.

England – Oxfordshire

Location: Oxfordshire
Hunting Season: April - August
Duration: from 3 hunting days
Game species: Chinese Waterdeer, Fallow Deer, Muntjak, Roe Buck
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